grasp_output_tile_result_setters.h File Reference
#include <inttypes.h>
#include ""
#include ""
#include "../settings/grasp_products.h"
#include "../input/grasp_input_segment.h"
#include "../global/grasp_parameters.h"
#include "grasp_output_tile_result.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_res (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_par (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_fit (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_opt (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_rind (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_chem (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_phmx (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_lidar (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_sd2m_mph (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_sd2m_ext (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_pm (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_types (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_opt (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_rind (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_chem (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_phmx (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_lidar (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_sd2m_mph (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_sd2m_ext (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_pm (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_types (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_surface_surf (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_par (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_opt (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_lidar (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_mic (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_clouds_opt (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_clouds_lidar (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_forcing_bbflux (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_products_forcing_forcing (grasp_results_t *output, bool value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_ngases (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_t (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_x (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_y (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_npars (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nrr (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nrc (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nmpar (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nsd (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_par_radius (grasp_results_t *output, int irr, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_par_SDL (grasp_results_t *output, int irr, int irc, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_npm_diam (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_phmx_angle (grasp_results_t *output, int iangle, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nnoises (grasp_results_t *output, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_wl (grasp_results_t *output, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_time (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_col (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_row (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_it (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_ix (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_iy (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_x (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_y (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_t (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_latitude (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_longitude (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_grid_col (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_grid_row (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_time (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int64_t value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_real_time (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_user_time (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_nwl (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_cloud_flag (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_land_percent (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_file_index (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_masl (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_sza (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_nhvp (const grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_hvp (const grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int ihvp, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_ndim (grasp_results_t *output, par_number_NDIM value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_ngrid (grasp_results_t *output, int isd, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_radius (grasp_results_t *output, int isd, int ipar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_sd_lb (grasp_results_t *output, int irc, int irr, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_segment_npixels (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int nrCol, int nrRow, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_niter (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_rest (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_resa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int inoise, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_resr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int inoise, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_par_parameters (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int ipar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_par_sd (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, int bin, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_pixel_original (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, pixel_t *)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_pixel_fit (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, pixel_t *)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_segment_fit (grasp_results_t *output, int isegment, sensor_data_t *)
void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_segment_original (grasp_results_t *output, int isegment, sensor_data_t *)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aexp (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_extt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ssat (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aextt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ssa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_rind_mreal (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_rind_mimag (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph11 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph12 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph22 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph33 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph34 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph44 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht11 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht12 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht22 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht33 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht34 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht44 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_lr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldpar (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldper (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_lrt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldprt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_rh (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_fwtr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_fslbl (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_vfract (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, int ichem, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_pm_pm (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_types_index (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_gases_absorption (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int igas, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aexp (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_extt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ssat (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aextt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ssa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_rind_mreal (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_rind_mimag (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph11 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph12 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph22 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph33 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph34 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph44 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht11 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht12 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht22 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht33 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht34 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht44 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int impar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_lr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_ldpr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_lrt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_ldprt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_rh (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fwtr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fslbl (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_finslbl (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fsoot (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_firon (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fbrc (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_pm_pm (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int i, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_types_index (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_surface_ndvi (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_surface_dhr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_surface_bhr_iso (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_errp (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int ipar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_biasp (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int ipar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_tstdp (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int ipar, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_sd_err (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int isd, int ibin, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_extt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_extt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_extt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ssa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ssa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ssa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ssat (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ssat (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ssat (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_aext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_aext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_aext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_aextt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_aextt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_aextt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_err_lr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_bias_lr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_tstd_lr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_err_lrt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_bias_lrt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_tstd_lrt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_err_sd (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int ibin, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_bias_sd (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int ibin, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_tstd_sd (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int ibin, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_err_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_bias_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_tstd_fine_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_err_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_bias_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_tstd_coarse_mode (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ext (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_extt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_extt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ssa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ssa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ssat (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ssat (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_err_lr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_bias_lr (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, int isd, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_err_lrt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_bias_lrt (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iwl, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_nhlv (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbufx0 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iknt, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbdfx0 (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iknt, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbufxa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iknt, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbdfxa (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iknt, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_hlv (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iknt, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_nhlv (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_netforc (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iknt, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_forceff (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iknt, float value)
void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_hlv (grasp_results_t *output, int it, int ix, int iy, int iknt, float value)

Function Documentation

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_fslbl()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_fslbl ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set soluble fraction for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuesoluble fraction for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_fwtr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_fwtr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set water fraction for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuewater fraction for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_rh()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_rh ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set relative humidity for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuerelative humidity for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_vfract()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_chem_vfract ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
int  ichem,
float  value 

Set insoluble fraction for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of aerosol component
ichemIndex of chemical component
valueinsoluble fraction for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldpar()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldpar ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set lidar lidar depolarization ratio (parallel component) N.B. reserved for future developments

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuelidar lidar depolarization ratio (parallel component) N.B. reserved for future developments

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldper()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldper ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set lidar lidar depolarization ratio (perpendicular component) N.B. reserved for future developments

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuelidar lidar depolarization ratio (perpendicular component) N.B. reserved for future developments

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldprt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_ldprt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total lidar depolarization for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal lidar depolarization for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_lr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_lr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set lidar ratio for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuelidar ratio for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_lrt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_lidar_lrt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total lidar ratio for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal lidar ratio for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aexp()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aexp ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set angstrom exponent for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueangstrom exponent for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set absorption extinction for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueabsorption extinction for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aextt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_aextt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total absorption extinction for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal absorption extinction for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set extinction for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueextinction for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_extt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_extt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total extinction for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal extinction for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ssa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ssa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set single scattering albedo for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuesingle scattering albedo for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ssat()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_opt_ssat ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total single scattering albedo for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal single scattering albedo for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph11()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph11 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p11 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuep11 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph12()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph12 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p12 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuep12 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph22()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph22 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p22 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuep22 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph33()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph33 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p33 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuep33 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph34()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph34 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p34 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuep34 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph44()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_ph44 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p44 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuep44 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht11()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht11 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p11 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p11 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht12()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht12 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p12 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p12 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht22()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht22 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p22 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p22 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht33()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht33 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p33 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p33 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht34()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht34 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p34 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p34 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht44()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_phmx_pht44 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p44 for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p44 for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_pm_pm()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_pm_pm ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set particular matter for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueparticular matter for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_rind_mimag()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_rind_mimag ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set real part refractive index

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuereal part refractive index

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_rind_mreal()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_rind_mreal ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set real part refractive index

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuereal part refractive index

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set concentration for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valueconcentration for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set concentration for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueconcentration for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set concentration for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_cv with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueconcentration for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set refractive index for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuerefractive index for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set refractive index for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuerefractive index for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set refractive index for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_reff with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuerefractive index for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set XXX for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valueXXX for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set XXX for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueXXX for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set XXX for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_rm with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueXXX for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set standard deviation for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valuestandard deviation for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set standard deviation for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuestandard deviation for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set standard deviation for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_mph_std with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuestandard deviation for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  i,
float  value 

Set extinction for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valueextinction for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set extinction for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueextinction for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set extinction for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_sd2m_opt_ext with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueextinction for two simulated modes for aerosol optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_types_index()

void set_grasp_output_tile_aerosol_types_index ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set aerosol type for aerosol optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueaerosol type: 0 – Complex mixture; 1 – Background Aerosol; 2 – Water/Maritime; 3 — Urban Polluted; 4 – Mixed aerosol; 5 – Urban Clean; 6 – Smoke Smoldering; 7 – Smoke flaming; 8 – Mineral dust

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fbrc()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fbrc ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set brc fraction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of clouds component
valueiron fraction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_finslbl()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_finslbl ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set insoluble fraction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of clouds component
valueinsoluble fraction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_firon()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_firon ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set iron fraction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of clouds component
valueiron fraction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fslbl()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fslbl ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set soluble fraction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of clouds component
valuesoluble fraction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fsoot()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fsoot ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set soot fraction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of clouds component
valuesoot fraction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fwtr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_fwtr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set water fraction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of clouds component
valuewater fraction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_rh()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_chem_rh ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set relative humidity for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isdIndex of clouds component
valuerelative humidity for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_ldpr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_ldpr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set lidar depolarization profile for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuelidar depolarization profile for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_ldprt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_ldprt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total lidar depolarization for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal lidar depolarization for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_lr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_lr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set lidar ratio for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuelidar ratio for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_lrt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_lidar_lrt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total lidar ratio for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal lidar ratio for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aexp()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aexp ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set angstrom exponent for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueangstrom exponent for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set absorption extinction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valueabsorption extinction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aextt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_aextt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total absorption extinction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal absorption extinction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set extinction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valueextinction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_extt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_extt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total extinction for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal extinction for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ssa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ssa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set single scattering albedo for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuesingle scattering albedo for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ssat()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_opt_ssat ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total single scattering albedo for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal single scattering albedo for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph11()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph11 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p11 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuep11 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph12()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph12 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p12 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuep12 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph22()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph22 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p22 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuep22 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph33()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph33 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p33 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuep33 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph34()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph34 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p34 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuep34 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph44()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_ph44 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set p44 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuep44 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht11()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht11 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p11 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p11 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht12()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht12 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p12 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p12 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht22()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht22 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p22 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p22 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht33()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht33 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p33 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p33 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht34()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht34 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p34 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p34 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht44()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_phmx_pht44 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  impar,
float  value 

Set total p44 for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuetotal p44 for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_pm_pm()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_pm_pm ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set particular matter for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueparticular matter for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_rind_mimag()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_rind_mimag ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set real part refractive index

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuereal part refractive index

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_rind_mreal()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_rind_mreal ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set real part refractive index

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuereal part refractive index

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set concentration for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valueconcentration for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set concentration for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueconcentration for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set concentration for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_cv with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueconcentration for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set refractive index for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valuerefractive index for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set refractive index for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuerefractive index for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set refractive index for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_reff with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuerefractive index for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set XXX for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valueXXX for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set XXX for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueXXX for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set XXX for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_rm with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueXXX for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  i,
float  value 

Set standard deviation for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valuestandard deviation for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set standard deviation for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuestandard deviation for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set standard deviation for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_mph_std with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuestandard deviation for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  i,
float  value 

Set extinction for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
imode. 0 for fine and 1 for coarse
valueextinction for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set extinction for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext with i = 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueextinction for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set extinction for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties. Alias void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_sd2m_opt_ext with i = 0

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueextinction for two simulated modes for clouds optical properties

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_types_index()

void set_grasp_output_tile_clouds_types_index ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set clouds type for clouds optical properties

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueclouds type: 0 – Complex mixture; 1 – Background Aerosol; 2 – Water/Maritime; 3 — Urban Polluted; 4 – Mixed clouds; 5 – Urban Clean; 6 – Smoke Smoldering; 7 – Smoke flaming; 8 – Mineral dust

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_bias_lr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_bias_lr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of lidar ratio

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuebias of error estimation of lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_bias_lrt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_bias_lrt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of total lidar ratio

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of total lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_err_lr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_err_lr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set error estimation of lidar ration

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueerror estimation of lidar ration

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_err_lrt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_err_lrt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of total lidar ratio

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_tstd_lr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_tstd_lr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set total error estimation of lidar ration

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueerror estimation of lidar ration

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_tstd_lrt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_lidar_tstd_lrt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of total lidar ratio

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_bias_sd()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_bias_sd ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ibin,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of SD

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of total lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_err_sd()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_err_sd ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ibin,
float  value 

Set error estimation of SD

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_tstd_sd()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_mic_tstd_sd ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ibin,
float  value 

Set error estimation of SD

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_aext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_aext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuebias of error estimation of single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_aextt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_aextt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of total single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of total single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuebias of error estimation of extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_extt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_extt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of total extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of total extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ssa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ssa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valuebias of error estimation of single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ssat()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_bias_ssat ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of total single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of total single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_aext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_aext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set error estimation of single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueerror estimation of single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_aextt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_aextt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of total single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set error estimation of extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueerror estimation of extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_extt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_extt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of total extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ssa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ssa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set error estimation of single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueerror estimation of single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ssat()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_err_ssat ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of total single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_aext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_aext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set total error estimation of single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueerror estimation of single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_aextt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_aextt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total error estimation of total single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set total error estimation of extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueerror estimation of extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_extt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_extt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total error estimation of total extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ssa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ssa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set total error estimation of single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of aerosol component
valueerror estimation of single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ssat()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_opt_tstd_ssat ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set total error estimation of total single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_bias_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_bias_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of aodc when sd2m is true

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of aod coarse mode

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_bias_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_bias_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of aodf when sd2m is true

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of aod fine mode

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_err_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_err_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of aodc when sd2m is true

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of aod coarse mode

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_err_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_err_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of aodf when sd2m is true

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of aod fine mode

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_tstd_coarse_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_tstd_coarse_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of aodc when sd2m is true

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of aod coarse mode

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_tstd_fine_mode()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc_tstd_fine_mode ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of aodf when sd2m is true

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of aod fine mode

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_bias_lr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_bias_lr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of lidar ratio

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuebias of error estimation of lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_bias_lrt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_bias_lrt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of total lidar ratio

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of total lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_err_lr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_err_lr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set error estimation of lidar ration

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valueerror estimation of lidar ration

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_err_lrt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_lidar_err_lrt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of total lidar ratio

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total lidar ratio

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuebias of error estimation of extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_extt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_extt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of total extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of total extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ssa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ssa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valuebias of error estimation of single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ssat()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_bias_ssat ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of total single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuebias of error estimation of total single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set error estimation of extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valueerror estimation of extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_extt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_extt ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of total extinction

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total extinction

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ssa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ssa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  isd,
float  value 

Set error estimation of single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
isdIndex of clouds component
valueerror estimation of single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ssat()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_clouds_opt_err_ssat ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set error estimation of total single scattering albedo

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valueerror estimation of total single scattering albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_biasp()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_biasp ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ipar,
float  value 

Set bias of error estimation of parameters

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuebias of error estimation of parameters

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_errp()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_errp ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ipar,
float  value 

Set error estimation for parameter

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueerror estimation for parameter

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_sd_err()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_sd_err ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
int  ibin,
float  value 

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_tstdp()

void set_grasp_output_tile_errest_par_tstdp ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ipar,
float  value 

Set total standard deviation

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuebias of error estimation of parameters

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbdfx0()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbdfx0 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iknt,
float  value 

Set broad band down-ward flux without aerosol at each height

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuebroad band down-ward flux without aerosol at each height

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbdfxa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbdfxa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iknt,
float  value 

Set broad band down-ward flux with aerosol at each height

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuebroad band down-ward flux with aerosol at each height

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbufx0()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbufx0 ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iknt,
float  value 

Set broad band up-ward flux without aerosol at each height

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuebroad band up-ward flux without aerosol at each height

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbufxa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_bbufxa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iknt,
float  value 

Set broad band up-ward flux with aerosol at each height

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuebroad band up-ward flux with aerosol at each height

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_hlv()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_hlv ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iknt,
float  value 

Set heights of forcing fluxes

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueheights of forcing fluxes

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_nhlv()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_bbflux_nhlv ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set number of heights of forcing fluxes

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuenumber of heights of forcing fluxes

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_forceff()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_forceff ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iknt,
float  value 

Set forcing efficiency

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueforcing efficiency

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_hlv()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_hlv ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iknt,
float  value 

Set heights of forcing calculations

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueheights of forcing calculations

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_netforc()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_netforc ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iknt,
float  value 

Set net forcing

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuenet forcing

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_nhlv()

void set_grasp_output_tile_forcing_forcing_nhlv ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set number of heights of forcing calculations

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuenumber of heights of forcing calculations

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_gases_absorption()

void set_grasp_output_tile_gases_absorption ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
int  igas,
int  value 

Set gas absorption

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
igasnumber of gas, 0 for total

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_ndim()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_ndim ( grasp_results_t output,
par_number_NDIM  value 

Set NDIM struct (that can be used to know the size and shape of parameters array)

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valuecurrent NDIM struct

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_ngrid()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_ngrid ( grasp_results_t output,
int  isd,
int  value 

Set number of grid radii points

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueradii points for specific mode (0=total)

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_nmpar()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nmpar ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 

Set number of valid angles in output phase matrix

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valuenumber of valid angles in output phase matrix

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_nnoises()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nnoises ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 


outputOutput of retrieval from a tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_npars()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_npars ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 

Set number of total retrieved parameter for each pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueumber of total retrieved parameter for each pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_npm_diam()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_npm_diam ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 
outputOutput of retrieval from a tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_nrc()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nrc ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 


outputOutput of retrieval from a tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_nrr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nrr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 


outputOutput of retrieval from a tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_nsd()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_nsd ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 


outputOutput of retrieval from a tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_phmx_angle()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_phmx_angle ( grasp_results_t output,
int  iangle,
int  value 

Set a specific angle (indexed by iangle) of output phase function

iangleIndex of phase matrix angle
outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valuea specific angle (indexed by iangle) of output phase function

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_radius()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_radius ( grasp_results_t output,
int  isd,
int  ipar,
float  value 

Set values of grid radius points (X axis of SD plot)

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuevalues of grid radius points (X axis of SD plot)

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_par_radius()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_par_radius ( grasp_results_t output,
int  irr,
float  value 


outputOutput of retrieval from a tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_par_SDL()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_par_SDL ( grasp_results_t output,
int  irr,
int  irc,
float  value 


outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
irrIndex of rr of SDL
ircInxed of rc of SDL

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_sd_lb()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_retrieval_sd_lb ( grasp_results_t output,
int  irc,
int  irr,
float  value 

Set values of grid values of the bings in case of lognormal bbins sd (X axis of SD plot)

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuevalues of grid radius points (X axis of SD plot)

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_ngases()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_ngases ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 

Set total number of retrieved gases

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valuetotal number of pixels availables in output

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 

Set total number of pixels availables in output

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valuetotal number of pixels availables in output

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_t()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_t ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 

Set total number of times in the tile

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valuetotal number of times in the tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_x()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_x ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 

Set width of the tile

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valuewidth of the tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_y()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_tile_npixels_y ( grasp_results_t output,
int  value 

Set height of the tile

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueheight of the tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_information_wl()

void set_grasp_output_tile_information_wl ( grasp_results_t output,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set the wavelenght of specific index

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
iwlIndex of the wavelenght
valueValue of the wavelenght in nanometers

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_cloud_flag()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_cloud_flag ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set cloud flag of the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuecloud flag of the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_file_index()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_file_index ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set file index (origin) of the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuefile index (origin) of the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_grid_col()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_grid_col ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set index in input grid for cols

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueindex in input grid for cols

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_grid_row()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_grid_row ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set index in input grid for rows

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueindex in input grid for rows

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_hvp()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_hvp ( const grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ihvp,
float  value 

If the pixel has lidar signal this array contains the vertical altitudes.

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
ihvpVertical profile index
valueValue in meter of vertical range

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_it()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_it ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set Internal T index of pixel inside the segment starting in 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueInternal T index of pixel inside the segment starting in 1

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_ix()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_ix ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set Internal X index of pixel inside the segment starting in 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueInternal X index of pixel inside the segment starting in 1

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_iy()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_iy ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set Internal Y index of pixel inside the segment starting in 1

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueInternal Y index of pixel inside the segment starting in 1

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_land_percent()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_land_percent ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set land percent information of the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueland percent information of the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_latitude()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_latitude ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set latitude of the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuelatitude of the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_longitude()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_longitude ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set longitude of the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuelongitude of the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_masl()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_masl ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set meters above sea-level of the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuemeters above sea-leve of the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_nhvp()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_nhvp ( const grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set number of vertical points in the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueNumber of vertical points in vertical profile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_nwl()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_nwl ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set number of wavelengths for the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuenumber of wavelengths for the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_t()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_t ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set Index of T index in output grid.

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueIndex of T index in output grid.

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_x()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_x ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set Index of X index in output grid.

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueIndex of X index in output grid.

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_y()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_out_y ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set Index of Y index in output grid.

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueIndex of Y index in output grid.

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_real_time()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_real_time ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set process real time of the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueseconds taken to process the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_col()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_col ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set position of the segment, dimension X

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueposition of the segment, dimension X

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_row()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_row ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set position of the segment, dimension Y

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueposition of the segment, dimension Y

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_time()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_segment_time ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set position of the segment, dimension T

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueposition of the segment, dimension T

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_sza()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_sza ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set Solar zenit angle of current wavelength in degrees

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueSolar zenit angle of current wavelength in degrees

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_time()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_time ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int64_t  value 

Set index in input grid for time

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueindex in input grid for time

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_user_time()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_information_user_time ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set process user time of the pixel

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueseconds taken to process the pixel

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_segment_npixels()

void set_grasp_output_tile_pixel_segment_npixels ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  nrCol,
int  nrRow,
int  value 

Set the number of valid pixels in this pixel's segment

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
nrColnumber of columns of segments in tile
nrRownumber if rows of segments in tile
valuethe number of valid pixels in this pixel's segment

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_chem()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_chem ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output of aerosol chemistry is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_lidar()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_lidar ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for aerosol lidar products is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_opt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_opt ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for aerosol optical products is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_phmx()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_phmx ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output of aerosol phase matrix is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_pm()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_pm ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output aerosol particular matter is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_rind()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_rind ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for aerosol refractive index is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_sd2m_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_sd2m_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output extinction for aerosol two modes simulated is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_sd2m_mph()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_sd2m_mph ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output products for simulated two modes is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_types()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_aerosol_types ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for aerosol types is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_chem()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_chem ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output cloud chemistry is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_lidar()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_lidar ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output cloud lidar is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_opt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_opt ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for cloud optical properties is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_phmx()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_phmx ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output cloud phase matrix is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_pm()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_pm ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for cloud particular matter is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_rind()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_rind ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output of cloud refractive index is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_sd2m_ext()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_sd2m_ext ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output extinction for clouds in two simulated modes is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_sd2m_mph()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_sd2m_mph ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output clouds in two simulated modes is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_types()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_clouds_types ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if cloud type is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_lidar()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_lidar ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output error estimation for aerosol lidar signal is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_mic()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_mic ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output error estimation for size distribution, when it is not part of the retrieved parameters, is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_opt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_opt ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output error estimation for aerosol optical products is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_aerosol_sd2m_extfc ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output error estimation for aerosol optical depth fine and coarse when sd2m products are true

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_clouds_lidar()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_clouds_lidar ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for cloud lidar signal is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_clouds_opt()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_clouds_opt ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for error estimation of clouds optical properties is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_par()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_errest_par ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output error estimation for parameters is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_forcing_bbflux()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_forcing_bbflux ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for forcing flux is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_forcing_forcing()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_forcing_forcing ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output for forcing is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_fit()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_fit ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output retrieval fitting is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_par()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_par ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output retrieval parameters is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_res()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_retrieval_res ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if output retrieval residuals is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_products_surface_surf()

void set_grasp_output_tile_products_surface_surf ( grasp_results_t output,
bool  value 

Set if surface products is available

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
valueif it is available

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_pixel_fit()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_pixel_fit ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,

Set fit pixel data

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueFit pixel. It is like sdata pixel but filled with fitting information

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_pixel_original()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_pixel_original ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,

Set original pixel data

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueOriginal pixel data. It is the pixel in sdata input information

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_segment_fit()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_segment_fit ( grasp_results_t output,
int  isegment,

Set segment fitting data

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueIt is like sdata but filled with fitting information

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_segment_original()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_fit_segment_original ( grasp_results_t output,
int  isegment,

Set segment input data

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueIt is the sdata input information

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_par_parameters()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_par_parameters ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  ipar,
float  value 

Set retrieved aerosol and surface reflectance parameters

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valueretrieved aerosol and surface reflectance parameters

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_par_sd()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_par_sd ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  isd,
int  bin,
float  value 

Set retrieved size distribution simplified for easy interpretation

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
isd0 if it is total size distriubtion or the number of the mode
binvalue of the bin
valueretrieved value of the bin of SD

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_niter()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_niter ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  value 

Set number of iterations in multipixel scenario

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuenumber of iterations in multipixel scenario

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_resa()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_resa ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  inoise,
float  value 

Set detailed absolute measurement residuals for tile

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
inoiseNumber of noise
valuedetailed absolute measurement residuals for tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_resr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_resr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  inoise,
float  value 

Set detailed relative measurement residuals for tile

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
inoiseNumber of noise
valuedetailed relative and relative measurement residuals for tile

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_rest()

void set_grasp_output_tile_retrieval_res_rest ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set total residual for multi-pixel retrieval

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuetotal residual for multi-pixel retrieval

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_surface_bhr_iso()

void set_grasp_output_tile_surface_bhr_iso ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set surface bhr_iso

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuesurface albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_surface_dhr()

void set_grasp_output_tile_surface_dhr ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iwl,
float  value 

Set surface dhr

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
iwlIndex of the wavelength
valuesurface albedo

◆ set_grasp_output_tile_surface_ndvi()

void set_grasp_output_tile_surface_ndvi ( grasp_results_t output,
int  it,
int  ix,
int  iy,
float  value 

Set surface ndvi

outputOutput of retrieval from a tile
itTime index of the pixel in the tile
ixX index of the pixel in the tile
iyY index of the pixel in the tile
valuesurface ndvi